For Authors

Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to: 

Steven B. Miles
Division of Humanities
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


As a general rule, submissions should not exceed 15,000 words, including notes and references.  Article manuscripts should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word files (.doc). For purposes of double blind review, the author's name should not appear on the manuscript.  

Articles should be double-spaced including indented quotes, footnotes, and bibliography.  They should be in 12-point with one-inch margins on letter size paper. Manuscripts submitted to LIC should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Footnotes and bibliography should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 15th Edition for the humanities (see Chicago Manual of Style, Section 15).  

All articles must include a bibliography and a glossary of relevant Chinese names and terms.  It is not necessary to include characters for well-known place names in the glossary (i.e. province names, Beijing, Nanjing, etc.).  The journal prefers traditional characters in Unicode fonts.  Chinese characters should not appear in the text of the article, footnotes, or bibliography.  

In the bibliographies, the titles of Asian-language books and articles should be accompanied by a translation in parentheses.  For example: Ming-Qing Huishang yu Huai-Yang shehui bianqian (Huizhou merchants and social change in the Huai-Yang region during the Ming and Qing).

Romanization should follow the Pinyin Romanization system for Chinese, Möllendorf for Manchu, Hepburn for Japanese, and McCune-Reischauer for Korean. Download the complete guide to Romanization for LIC submissions.